Joe Han's Graphy

아이폰 'iOS 8'에 '위젯'기능 생긴다?! 본문


아이폰 'iOS 8'에 '위젯'기능 생긴다?!

Joe Han 2014. 6. 3. 17:50





iOS8 에서 iOS Block 이라 불리울 일명 위젯 기능이 추가 된다고 합니다.


사실 안드로이드를 사용하다 아이폰으로 넘어온 저에게 한동한 .. 약 1~2달은 위젯기능이 없으니 너무 불편하더군요..


하지만.. 이제 5개월 정도를 사용하다 보니 적응이 되어.. 이젠 있으나 마나한 기능으로 느껴지네요..^^
















A Block is the best of Android and Windows Phone. You can interact with a Block and actually do stuff with it. But, you can also access the application directly from the Block since it is the app itself, not a separate entity.

Here’s how it works. On your iOS device you have your list of icons like you know and love. They work and look the same way as before. But, if you want more information about an app, you can simply pinch the app icon bigger and it will now become an iOS Block. There’s no menu, no hidden options and no weird gestures to do. You literally make the icon bigger with your finger if you want more; it can’t be simpler and more intuitive than that.